Erase Heroin Addiciton1

Heroin: A Nationwide Epidemic

An opiate by any other name is still an opiate. Today, opiates are the leading cause of accidental deaths in some states. Though these deaths aren’t limited to heroin, there is a strong correlation between those who started their addiction with painkillers and only sought out heroin when they could no longer get a prescription for a pain killer. Though the epidemic is spreading quickly, the funding for treating this epidemic is being reduced more and more every day, making affordable treatment centers more important than ever.

Overwhelming Pharmaceutical Issues

When most people think of heroin addicts, they think of someone who started looking for a buzz and ended up losing their entire life to the drug. More often than not, that isn’t the case. In fact, limited medical care options are one of the worst starting points for this issue.

How does this happen?

A person who wasn’t addicted to any type of drug is involved in an accident or something else that causes a serious injury. Sometimes that injury causes long-term pain. Even if it’s short term, they may be treated with powerful opiates. For long-term issues, there may be no other option than pain management. Sometimes, if there is another option, like surgery, the insurance company simply won’t cover it. The patient then has to make the choice of coming up with enormous sums of cash, or to try to manage the pain with medication and other techniques. In the end, the pain management methods are likely to lead to addiction, while the effects of the medication provide less and less assistance, leading the patient to seek out more powerful drugs. Eventually, this can lead to heroin use.

Economic Issues

Whenever there is an economic crisis, the one thing you can count on is that drug dealers are going to thrive. In fact, they are also going to show other people how to thrive, and many times those people are desperate for money, as well as pain relief, or relief from the agony of unassisted withdrawals. In many cases, their only recourse seems to be to turn to heroin use and dealing. Since there is such a huge economic issue going on nationwide, this epidemic continues to spread under these terms. Thankfully, an affordable drug rehab center can help users find different options, as long as the users seek one out.

Taking Action

The heroin epidemic is so bad that specific programs have had to be put in place to help combat the growing numbers of deaths by overdose. Specifically, medical professionals have turned to creating naloxone kits that can be given without going to a hospital. This is like an extreme version of a first aid kit for heroin addicts and those who use other opiates.

In terms of long-term recovery, a low cost rehab is the best method. Adequate medical care is also necessary to deal with pain management and other issues that lead people to seek out opiates in the form of heroin or other drugs.

If you or someone you love is struggling with heroin addiction, the professionals at Yellowstone Recovery are ready and willing to help. Call one of our addiction specialists today to learn more.

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