Residential Treatment: Extended Care Inpatient Rehabilitation
In primary care, the focus is on breaking the addiction and learning new skills for sobriety. But once those first steps are taken, we turn our attention to our extended care addiction treatment program, where the focus is on using what’s been learned and preparing for life after treatment.
Extended care addiction treatment shifts the focus from the immediate danger of addiction to the long-term plan for sobriety.
Here’s why it’s so valuable:
- 90-day programs from extended care drug rehab facilities lower relapse risk, and anything shorter than that have limited effectiveness.¹
- In one study, 35% of cocaine users treated for fewer than 90 days reported relapse within a year. The rate was only 17% for those treated for 90 days or longer.²
- It creates a smooth transition by giving clients time to re-focus, develop routines, improve their health, find a job, etc.
- Addiction changes the brain, and it can take quite a while to recover and “re-wire” itself. Imaging from methamphetamine users found that individuals’ brain function was significantly better after 14 months of abstinence than after 1 month of abstinence.³

Our Orange County, CA rehab has helped thousands overcome addiction through clinically backed therapeutic methods and strong, compassionate support. In addition to receiving safe medical detox and therapy during primary care, our residents receive invaluable support and employment assistance during extended care.
Extended care drug rehab centers don’t have to be boring. With activities ranging from weekend softball games to social events, we do our best to make extended care engaging and fulfilling, empowering clients to stay for the full treatment period.

By this point in treatment, Yellowstone clients have been attending daily meetings, found a sponsor, and started working on the 12 steps. They’re knowledgeable about addiction, have a relapse prevention plan, and are armed with new coping skills. In extended care, they’ll continue working their program and practicing what they’ve learned so far.
The secondary goal of extended care is for clients to find employment—5 days a week, residents search for a “get well job” to work during treatment. We provide fare for an all-day bus pass on job search days, and we encourage residents to find jobs along bus routes that pass close to their residences.
We’ve been successfully helping sober clients find jobs for 17 years, and many local businesses will contact us with open positions before advertising anywhere else. This gives residents early access to nearby job openings, and businesses know that we provide reliable candidates.

As of day 31, family can start visiting on Sunday afternoons. The first visit is on-site and is limited to 2 hours. Extended visits for families traveling longer distances require special approval. After the first week, residents can start requesting off-site passes to spend time with family elsewhere. At day 60, they can request overnight passes (every other weekend).
The benefits of long-term care are indisputable. However, extended care isn’t for everyone. Individuals who enter our extended care program need to have reached certain thresholds and milestones in their recovery process, or else they may be at risk of relapsing.
If you are currently struggling with substance abuse and interested in the addiction treatment that an extended care program can offer, you might need to start with a more intensive, supervised treatment plan first.
The treatment options you have when attending Yellowstone Recovery include:

Detoxification – Detox is typically the first step of treatment for anyone struggling with substance abuse. Under medical supervision, our staff guide you through the process of withdrawal from drugs and alcohol and ensure you are healthy enough to enter residential treatment in a safe, stable environment. Detox is for individuals who are still using or have just stopped using the substance they abuse.
Residential Inpatient Treatment – After detox, most patients enter residential treatment that involves living at the treatment center and undergoing intensive therapy and counseling to address the causes and factors contributing to addiction. Common treatments included in this step are 12-step meetings, group therapy, and family counseling. Residential inpatient treatment is for individuals who require the highest level of supervision and support our center offers. They need structure and plenty of guidance as they work through the issues related to their addiction.
Only after these two programs are complete will our team recommend our extended care treatment program. Although patients still live on-site, they are much less supervised and allowed to start assimilating back into their everyday lives.
If you complete residential treatment and our staff deems extended care unnecessary, you may move straight on to an intensive outpatient, outpatient, or sober living program.
Outpatient and sober living programs usually last for a much longer period than residential treatment. They allow you to live off-site, take responsibility for your own schedule, and attend work or school while still attending frequent therapy and counseling sessions at our treatment facilities so you can work on your long-term sobriety. These treatment programs are typically only recommended to individuals our team believes will benefit from independence and are no longer at significant risk of relapsing.
Depending on your individual circumstances, you may be better suited to attend any one of the programs listed above.
At Yellowstone Recovery, we pride ourselves on our ability to help people suffering from drug or alcohol addiction make the right choice when it comes to the treatment plan better suited to their situation.
If you are looking to access treatment for drug or alcohol abuse but aren’t sure where to start, get in touch with our team at (888) 418-4188 and we can help you make the right choice when it comes to your health and sobriety.
- Https://Nida.Nih.Gov/Publications/Principles-Drug-Addiction-Treatment-Research-Based-Guide-Third-Edition/Frequently-Asked-Questions/How-Long-Does-Drug-Addiction-Treatment-Usually-Last
- Https://Www.Latimes.Com/Archives/La-Xpm-2008-Nov-10-He-Addiction10-Story.Html
- Https://Www.Ncbi.Nlm.Nih.Gov/Pmc/Articles/PMC6306455/
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