Yellowstone saved my life

Yellowstone saved my life. I’m forever grateful, they also gave me the ability to be helpful to others. Honey, Ashley, and the rest of the staff I love you!
I'm extremely grateful to Yellowstone

I’m extremely grateful to Y.S. My life was like a puzzle just dumped out of the box and I had no clue how to start over but thanks to Y.S the pieces are starting to fall in place.
I forever have a home and family

I forever have a home and family. Thank you.
Yellowstone provided a space for me to heal

Yellowstone provided a safe, warm, loving space for me to heal and grow when I was at my worst. This place will always be home to me.
Yellowstone will always be my home

Yellowstone will always be my home, it is where I can go and instantly feel at home. This is where I build my foundation when I got sober 15 years ago. A meeting for the alumni was a great idea, it gave us a chance to share our experience, strength, and hope. I am grateful for Yellowstone, Honey, and Roy.
Blessed because of Yellowstone

Blessed because of Yellowstone
This treatment saved my life

This treatment saved my life. I came in broken and hopeless with no idea how to stay sober and I was able to find my self, and my purpose while I was in treatment. I found a higher power through working the 12th steps, gained the best friendships and found a support group. Yellowstone Recovery was my saving grace that started my journey into recovery without that place I know I wouldn’t be where I am at today. The director Dr. Thames is an amazing woman who I love dearly and taught me a lot about my self, she is a great role model of how to be a sober woman! I love my life today!
Yellowstone has been helping families for over 20 years

I have worked in behavioral healthcare for almost 20 years now in this local Orange County recovery community. During my career, I have utilized and referred many patients to Yellowstone Recovery that have yielded excellent results. If you have a loved one that suffers from addiction, and other stage of life issues, please rely on Yellowstone Recovery to help your family recover from drug and alcohol addiction. Yellowstone has been helping families for over 20 years, and they specialize in getting people sober, keeping them sober, and getting individuals reintegrated back into this local community working again.
Nothing short of a miracle!

Dear Honey, God bless you and god bless Yellowstone!! My husband and I saw our daughter, Emma, yesterday for the first time in 30 days. What we witnessed was nothing short of a miracle! We know that some days are going to be good and some bad for her but, her attitude, her glow, her excitement for her future was back! We spent almost the full 3 hours with her and we had such a wonderful time. She talked about the twelve steps with us, read some of her highlighted sections from the book, and talked about how good it felt to be herself again. I have to say the defining moment came when she said, “even if they said I could go home today, I wouldn’t.” I just couldn’t believe my ears! Thank you for what you do and all the hard work you put into it. You are truly a special person and we are so grateful for you and Yellowstone.
Yellowstone Recovery has literally saved my life

Yellowstone Recovery has literally saved my life! before my entry to this program, I had NO idea how to live life sober. This program has taught me how to live life on life’s terms, and has shown me the tools to use in sobriety and in my everyday life. The staff provided me a safe place to recovery, and presented a new way of thinking which applied to a new way of life. My family attended the family group sessions which provided them strength in their support of my recovery and we are now closer than ever before. As a result of my participation in the treatment and aftercare at Yellowstone, I have a fellowship of sober friends, a strong foundation in sobriety and a new and better way of life.
Yellowstone has shown me how to respect myself

Yellowstone has shown me how to respect myself, keep a healthy routine, and plan for my future.
Because of Yellowstone, I have a life

Because of Yellowstone, I have a life beyond my wildest dreams. Here, I have learned how to stay sober, problem solve, and create a solid foundation in order to transition into the real world. Thank you Yellowstone for doing for me what I couldn’t do for myself.
Yellowstone has given me a foundation

Yellowstone has given me a foundation to carry on with me into my life.
I Thank GOD and Yellowstone!

I cannot even put into words my heart felt appreciation for finding Yellowstone Recovery Center. I not only put one but BOTH of my children through Recovery two times each! I know there are a lot of REALLY high dollar centers in Southern California. It has been my experience that even as one of the most reasonable centers as far as price IT ALSO WORKS THE BEST! They were compassionate to the family! They encourage you to come to the family meetings on Sundays for support of your own. When you drop your child off be sure and give them an extra tight squeeze because you won’t talk to them for 30 days while they detox and REALLY grasp the program! After 30 days you should be pleasantly surprised at how good your family member looks, feels and ACTS! You’ve been able to sleep at night knowing they are in a safe place so you don’t look to bad yourself! If your one of the lucky ones your child will want to stay for the 90 day program and go into sober living, get a job and learn how to live again! Then they may choose to live there for up to a year and that’s when you know they are on the right path! This has worked on both of my children and I am SO GRATEFUL to have my children back again! I Thank GOD and Yellowstone!
difficult to put into words how grateful we were

It’s difficult to put into words how grateful we were to have found Yellowstone Recovery. Yellowstone guided my daughter through the dark abyss of substance abuse so that she could once again find the joy of all that life can be that was waiting for her on the other side. We are eternally grateful to Honey, Joanie, Don, Ken, and the entire Yellowstone family for never giving up on her.
Yellowstone Recovery, the real deal

We experienced the heartache of seeking and sending our daughter to numerous rehabs and detoxes over the past 5 years in So Cal and even sent her away to Oklahoma where we later learned about the deaths of several young people on the news. Every experience left us without hope and in utter devastation, despair, and confusion coupled with the family in such conflict. At one point, I was blamed for my daughters relapse and it sent me into a tailspin and downward spiral. The only saving grace has been Yellowstone. We finally found Yellowstone; a place that walks the walk and talks the talk. I didn’t think my daughter would stay because they are no nonsense and from the first day, I knew they were in the business of saving lives because they were “into action” and there was no contact for 30 to 60 days. The steps they took in dealing with our alcoholic/addict was difficult in the beginning, and like none of the other rehabs in certain simple respects. The support every week for the family members in the Sunday sessions really, really helped us get through this period of time without interfering with the process. There was some relapse, which was excruciating, but Honey and Yellowstone were there with us with no enabling whatsoever. The miracles started to happen after the last relapse and I credit Yellowstone for laying the groundwork for my daughter to be able to return and climb back into life. My daughter now has almost a year for the first time since she was 14. How does anyone sum up this journey other than by saying there is a God, and there is Yellowstone Recovery, the real deal. I loved hearing my daughter was without makeup for 30 days several times, did “double-scrub”, and is now of being service and has worked the Twelve Steps of AA. I want to express on the Yellowstone Recovery website my eternal gratitude for this honest and unselfish recovery house run by Honey. Thank you Yellowstone.
A great place to recover! So true!!

I have 16 months clean and sober and I owe it all to Yellowstone. I have never felt worth much, they taught me how to have self respect and self worth. Enough to want to do the work to get and stay sober, so I could build a new life….A BETTER life for me and my children. I have learned to be less negative and more positive. I have learned that I can have a lot of fun in sobriety, and for the first time in 15 years my laugh is a real genuine laugh. I have a great connection with my higher power and I have learned not to run on my own ideas, and that everything happens in God’s will. My sponsor has been a huge huge huge part of my sobriety. She graduated from Yellowstone almost 16 years ago. Yellowstone is a wonderful place to get sober, such a strong bond amongst Yellowstone residents. I pray that I won’t ever have to, but if any of my children are alcoholics, I wouldn’t waste my time with other treatment centers. Yellowstone would be my number one place to go.
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