Insurance Eligibility at Yellowstone Recovery

Insurance Eligibility
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Looking for rehabs that accept medical insurance? Depending on your policy, you may be able to get coverage for some or all of your treatment here at Yellowstone Recovery. Here’s what you need to know about rehab insurance eligibility at our facility.

Recent Changes to the Law

Since its passing in 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) has opened up new avenues in healthcare for many Americans. For those dealing with mental health and substance abuse issues, the ACA has increased access to professional treatment.

The ACA does not consider addiction a pre-existing condition. Where previously addiction treatment-related claims may have been denied based on an already existing (“pre-existing”) addiction, ACA healthcare plans cannot make such blanket denials. The ACA has also helped to make treatment more affordable by offering need-based tax credits.

The ACA has also expanded options for Medicare and Medicaid drug rehab patients, though Yellowstone Recovery is not a Medicaid rehab at this time (See “Our Policy” for more information).

Our Policy

Currently, Yellowstone Recovery accepts insurance policies from Anthem, Blue Cross, Aetna, United, Health Net, Cigna, and all PPO plans. Unfortunately, if you’re looking for rehabs that take Medicaid or Medicare, we are not able to accept those programs at this time.

If you are unsure whether your specific insurance policy will cover treatment with us, fill out our form so that we can verify your eligibility.

Please complete the form below to verify your insurance coverage and benefits.
Please be sure that all information provided is accurate.
Our verifications department is open Monday-Friday from 9am to 5pm.
Please allow up to 3 hours for processing of verifications.

    Get more info on financing here

    Address on Policy

    Policy holder information if the client is not the policy holder

    “What Will My Insurance Pay For?”

    Medical bills with the stamp “final notice” on them. Next to a wallet with no money left in it.

    It’s difficult to say for certain exactly what your insurance will pay for without more information. Not only are there differences in coverage between insurance providers, but individual policies can vary significantly even within the same provider. For example, your policy may only cover certain types of care, specific treatment facilities and/or a limited treatment duration.

    The best way to know exactly what your insurance will cover with us is to fill out our online eligibility form. We’ll use the information you provide to contact your insurance company and determine what they’ll cover, how much they’ll pay, etc. This way, there will be no surprises and you won’t be hit with unexpected costs.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Trying to understand how insurance works with rehab can be confusing, but we can help! Take a moment to review the following frequently asked questions to get a better idea of how it works.

    What Do These Terms in My Policy Mean?

    There are a few common terms and phrases you’ll see in your insurance policy. Here’s what they mean for you and your coverage.

    • Deductible: The amount that you agree to pay each year before your insurer will cover certain costs. After you’ve paid up to your deductible, your insurance company will begin to pay some or all of the costs.
      • Example: Your policy covers 100% after deductible. You’ve already paid $500 toward your deductible of $1,000 for the year, and you receive eligible services totaling $3,000. You’ll pay only $500 more (hitting your $1,000 deductible), while your insurance policy will pay the remaining $2,500.
    • Coinsurance: The amount you will pay when healthcare costs are shared between you and your insurer (usually after the deductible is met).
      • Example: Your plan says you’ll pay 30% coinsurance after deductible. You receive $100 in services. Insurance will pay $70 toward your bill, while you will pay only $30.
    • Copay/copayment: A fixed amount you pay for certain things, usually at the time of service. Copays can vary dramatically, and may be required regardless of deductible or coinsurance.
      • Example: Your plan has a $20 copay for office visits with your primary physician. You’ll probably be required to pay this $20 when you check in for your appointment.
    • Out-of-pocket maximum: The “cap” of the amount you’ll pay in a year under your plan. Money you pay toward covered services will count toward this limit, and may include payments toward your deductible and/or in coinsurance.
      • Example: Your plan says you have a $4,000 out-of-pocket maximum. Between copays, coinsurance, and payments toward the deductible, you hit that limit. After that, any other costs for the coverage year will be paid by your insurer 100%.

    Is My Coverage Confidential? Can My Employer Find Out About My Addiction?

    A common concern among those considering treatment is whether their employer will be made aware of their addiction, particularly if they’re receiving coverage from an employer-provided insurance policy. There’s no need to worry, though—federal law (42 Code of Federal Regulations) prohibits disclosing participation in any federally supported treatment program to any entity without the patient’s express written consent. Because Yellowstone Recovery is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, we are covered by this confidentiality law and your employer does not have to know about your treatment.

    Please note, however, that the law does allow some exceptions for things like medical emergencies, imminent threats, criminal reports, child abuse/neglect reports, and court orders.¹

    Does Insurance Cover Residential or Outpatient Treatment?

    The coverage you can receive at rehabs that take medical insurance depends strongly on the terms of the policy. For some, insurance might cover both residential and outpatient options for the full duration of treatment. For others, coverage may be limited to detox and outpatient care over a shorter term.

    To find out what your policy offers, fill out our online insurance eligibility form. We’ll get in touch with your insurance provider and determine what they can pay for.

    What If I Don’t Have Any Insurance at All?

    Even if you are currently uninsured, you can still seek treatment at Yellowstone Recovery. We work with American HealthCare Lending to offer convenient financing you can use to get the help you need. There is no collateral required, the inquiry process is fast and it’s all 100% confidential.

    Call us at (888) 418-4188 to learn more about financing options and discuss how we can work with your budget.

    Why Choose Us?

    A counselor consoling and helping a person who is dealing with addiction

    Over more than 20 years, we at Yellowstone Recovery have helped more than 5,000 men and women break free from the cycle of addiction and take back control of their lives. As a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we’re humanists at heart. Our compassionate staff will connect with you, guide you through your program experience and help you build the skills and confidence you need to succeed in sobriety. Don’t just take our word for it—testimonials from former clients show just how life-changing our programs can be.

    Contact us online or call (888) 418-4188 to get started on your Yellowstone journey today.



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      Contact Yellowstone Recovery


      Why Choose Yellowstone?

      Low Cost Pricing

      Financing Available

      PPO Insurance Accepted

      Provide Complete
      Continuum of Care