As one of the most common street drugs for the last few decades, cocaine is a well-known menace across the nation.
This white powdered substance is a powerful, fast-acting stimulant that produces effects like increased energy and euphoria that makes users feel as though their productivity has been boosted and their party experience is more intense. The intense high and strongly addictive nature of cocaine can quickly pull a person into a full-blown addiction, even after a single use.
Despite decades of attempts to stem the flow and use of the abundant street drug throughout the country, the prevalence of cocaine and its derivative forms in the United States continues to be a serious public health issue for citizens and authorities alike.
On this page, we hope to help friends and family of addicts, as well as other concerned individuals, by revealing some of the many aliases under which cocaine can hide.

Street names for drugs can evolve in a variety of ways and for a variety of reasons. Some street names may simply be nicknames that start in a small group and catch on like any other slang.
Much of the time, however, they arise as code names to obscure use and sale from the public and the authorities. As such, it’s important for law enforcement and government agencies to continue learning new street names in order to stay informed.
If you have a child, parent, sibling, or another loved one whom you are concerned might be addicted to cocaine or could become involved in drug use in the future, knowing at least some of the nicknames for cocaine can help you see red flags you might otherwise miss.
It’s easy to justify strange behaviors to yourself because you don’t want to believe someone is using cocaine. It’s much harder to brush off the use of telltale terminology in texts, phone conversations, social media comments, etc. These are concrete signs you’re not likely to miss by accident.

There are many common street names for cocaine, often based on its appearance or effects. Some of the well-known names include Coke, Crack (also Hard, Crystal, or Rock), Speed, Big C, Candy C, Flake, Fast, Powder, White Powder, White Fluff, Icing, White Dust, Line, White, Nose Candy, Coca, Cola, Snow, and Yesca (or Yesco).
In addition to these, there are older, less common names like Studio Fuel, King’s Habit, Star-Spangled Powder, Pimp (or White Pimp), Late Night, Society High, and Girlfriend.
The cocaine street names shown here are certainly not all-inclusive, and there may well be hundreds of other names for it used in different regions and communities around the world. Nevertheless, authorities and concerned loved ones will continue to collect the names they can in an effort to stay informed on this very secretive and dangerous trade.

If you are suspicious of someone’s behavior or worried that they may be drawn into cocaine use in the future, there are a few key physical, mental, and social signs you can watch for. Recognizing these signs early can help you take action before the addiction worsens.
Physical Signs
- Anxiety, nervousness, being constantly “on edge”
- Sniffling, runny nose, frequent nosebleeds
- Degradation of overall appearance, worsening hygiene
Behavioral Signs
- Unusual disappearances, leaving for unexplained errands or appointments (to get cocaine)
- Partying more than usual (or a sudden new interest in partying)
- Excitability, unusually high energy
Social Signs
- Shirking of responsibilities
- Difficulty keeping a job
- Financial and relationship issues
These are only a few of the potential red flags of cocaine use and addiction, but they should be enough to help you determine whether there is cause for concern. If these symptoms sound familiar to you, resist the urge to confront people in anger.
Remember: Addiction is a real condition they’re struggling with, not a selfish choice they made willingly.

At our professional addiction recovery facility in southern California, we’ve helped thousands of men and women seek sobriety and build the foundations for a better life without drugs and alcohol.
If you believe a loved one is dealing with an addiction to cocaine, our in-depth inpatient treatment programs can help them overcome the physical need for drugs, address the roots of their problems, and learn new skills and strategies for life.
From medically supervised detox and expert-led therapy sessions to job search and housing assistance, our clients receive the highest level of care and compassion to help them live the healthy, drug-free lives they deserve.
If you or someone you care about needs intensive professional help to quit cocaine, don’t wait until the worst happens—call Yellowstone Recovery today at (888) 418-4188 to discuss your rehab program options.