The Dangers of Binge Drinking in College
Binge drinking for college students may seem like a social norm. In fact, two out of three college students admit to having engaged in binge drinking within the last month! While most may consider college a time to party and have fun, students must take into consideration the effects of binge drinking, whether physical, social, or academic.
Although drinking in college may appear to be a part of the culture, 1 in 4 students admits that binge drinking negatively impacts their academics. A whopping 20% of students qualify for Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD.) There are many health conditions that come along with binge drinking, from liver issues to brain shrinkage.
Did you know that every year, thousands of college students visit the hospital due to alcohol poisoning? Sadly, an additional 2,000 students face death due to alcohol-related injuries—not to mention, almost 100,000 students will be victims of alcohol-related sexual assault.
If you believe that you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol dependence, and it is affecting their studies, health, and social life, know that there are affordable treatment centers.
We’ve created this helpful infographic to help you understand the severity of binge drinking in college.