Symptoms Of Barbiturate Addiction Feature Image

Signs and Symptoms of Barbiturate Addiction

Barbiturates are a highly addictive category of “brain-relaxing” drugs traditionally used to treat seizures, anxiety, and insomnia. Though many of the signs and symptoms are similar to those of alcohol abuse, knowing the more unique signs of barbiturate addiction can help save a life.

Many people who develop barbiturate addictions were previously prescribed them by a doctor for a medical reason. While barbiturate use is slowly falling out of favor among doctors, they’re still used and prescribed for specialized cases. As a result, barbiturates are still widely available in numerous forms, with street names ranging from “blue devils” to “gorilla pills.”

Common signs and symptoms of barbiturate addiction include sluggishness, intoxication, slurred speech, and confusion. At higher doses, barbiturate users may also engage in dangerous behaviors or, in extreme cases, slip into a coma that may result in death. Other signs of barbiturate abuse include depression and withdrawal from friends, family, and hobbies.

Since many of these symptoms are similar to those of alcohol abuse, you may need to evaluate your loved one’s lifestyle before determining whether they have a barbiturate addiction. In any case, barbiturate- or alcohol-related symptoms require special attention and therapy, such as a rehabilitation program.

Are you worried that a loved one is suffering from barbiturate addiction? Use the infographic below to learn more about barbiturates and help determine whether your loved one might have a problem. If they do need rehabilitation, don’t wait: Call the recovery specialists at Yellowstone Recovery at (888) 418-4188 for more information on how our rehabilitation programs can help.

Signs and Symptoms of Barbiturate Addiction Infographic
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