Continuing Programs to Consider Once You’ve Completed Inpatient Rehab
One of the biggest mistakes made by recovering addicts and their loved ones is to think of drug rehab as an event. It’s not.
Rehab is a lifelong process that continues after leaving the drug rehabilitation center. That’s why you must have a plan for recovery after rehab. Drug addiction is a chronic disease that requires you to work on recovering continuously. This is because anything can trigger a relapse that can send you spiraling back to old habits. To prevent this from happening, you must enroll in programs that will help you successfully navigate life after rehab.
This article will highlight some continuing programs to consider once you’ve completed inpatient rehab.
Inpatient vs. Outpatient Rehab—What’s the Difference?
Drug rehabilitation programs generally fall under two categories—inpatient rehab and outpatient rehab. Both focus on helping recovering addicts successfully navigate the journey to recovery. Let’s briefly look at their main attributes so you can know which is best for you.
Inpatient Rehab
Inpatient rehab programs require patients to check into a facility to get addiction recovery treatment. The main advantage of inpatient rehab is that it enables patients to focus on recovery without the distractions of everyday life. Other advantages include:
- 24/7 medical and emotional support
- Higher success rates
The major downside, however, is that it’s more expensive than outpatient rehab.
Outpatient Rehab
As the name suggests, outpatient rehab is when a recovering addict decides to get treatment without having to check into a facility. The patient goes for addiction treatment from their home. Of course, the major drawback of this is that you’re highly likely to encounter triggers that will send you into relapse. Because of this, outpatient rehab works best for those with mild addiction problems.
Advantages of outpatient rehab include:
- It’s more affordable.
- You can maintain your normal routine.
While both inpatient and outpatient rehab share the same goal of rehabilitation, the methods used are different. So, which is best for you?
Inpatient rehab has advantages that far outweigh those of outpatient rehab. However, even after going through inpatient rehabilitation, you must still have a plan for recovery after rehab. Let’s get to our top six addiction recovery programs you must consider after rehab.
6 Continuing Programs to Consider Once You’ve Completed Inpatient Rehab
Graduating from rehab is an outstanding achievement. You have the right to be proud of yourself or a loved one. Yet leaving rehab is not the end of addiction recovery. It’s the beginning of a new stage of your journey to complete and total recovery.
Here are some continuing programs to consider once you’ve completed inpatient rehab:
1. Sober Living Homes
A common mistake people make after rehab is to go home too quickly. They don’t give themselves time to adjust to life after rehab.
This is where sober living homes come in.

Sober living homes are drug- and alcohol-free group living facilities that provide a safe environment and structured living conditions for people who have graduated from a drug rehabilitation program. They serve as a transitional environment between inpatient drug rehab and mainstream society.
A big advantage of sober living homes is that they encourage residents to demonstrate a commitment to long-term recovery. Because they are based on structure and supervision, it becomes easier for residents to adjust to mainstream life while still getting the help they need to recover from addiction.
Most sober living homes incorporate recovery programs into their structure and routine. This helps empower residents to proactively work on continuing the journey to living a sober lifestyle.
2. Continued Therapy
Another program you must consider on your lifelong journey to addiction recovery is individual therapy. While you may have gotten a lot of this in your inpatient recovery program, it still plays a crucial role in helping you avoid relapsing.
Therapy is essential, as therapists recognize the fact that addiction goes beyond dependence on a substance. It involves many other facets of your life, such as emotional, mental, and psychological issues that can only be treated by continued support from a professional.
Continued therapy has several advantages, some of which include:
- Accountability
- Emotional support
- Coping strategies
- Help repairing broken relationships
Just because you’ve completed your inpatient rehab program doesn’t mean you don’t need therapy. If anything, this is the time you need therapy the most. After all, adjusting to life after rehab is not easy, and you need all the help and support you need.
3. 12-Step Programs
While born out of the need to help recovering alcoholics, 12-step programs have become the standard for many addiction recovery programs. One of the most significant benefits of 12-step programs is that they help individuals admit that they need help, take responsibility for their actions, and take ownership of their recovery.
Even after rehab, 12-step programs and other variations are useful tools for recovery after rehab. Not only do they help you focus on beating addiction and avoiding relapse, but 12-step programs help you find a person or group of people to be accountable to. Yes, accountability is a crucial part of successful recovery. Other advantages of 12-step programs include:
- They provide you an opportunity to help others.
- They provide structure.
- They are an affordable addiction recovery option.
12-step programs have been proven to help recovering addicts overcome addiction and are an excellent option for a continuing program after you’ve completed your inpatient rehab.
4. Support Groups
A support group brings together people who share similar experiences and feelings. It provides a great environment for people to share personal stories and ways of coping with addiction. Because you’ll be able to find people who can genuinely empathize with you, they make for a good recovery after rehab option.

Most support groups have a facilitator or two and consist of 5-15 group members. Each group member gets an opportunity to share their story. This on its own is therapeutic for both the speaker and the audience. This type of rehabilitation is also useful, as the group provides genuine emotional support. It also helps you know that you’re not alone. Loneliness is one of the relapse triggers, so this aspect of recovery is crucial.
5. Re-Engineer Your Social Life
Another simple yet effective way to ensure you successfully walk the path to addiction recovery is re-engineering your social life. Because drugs played a huge role in your social activities, you may now have a void to fill once you choose to quit.
While this is not a formal program, you must commit to doing it on your own. To help you make the transition, you can look for an accountability partner. They will help you cut ties with friends who influence you negatively.
Keeping your old friends and participating in activities you used to will only weaken your resolve and lead to relapsing. Re-engineer your social life as a way to continue finding recovery after rehab. Two significant areas you must focus on as you change your social life include:
- Find new friends. These could be from support groups or from places you frequent like work. Make sure to choose friends who don’t use drugs, as these will influence you negatively.
- Get a new hobby. Picking up a hobby is a good way of filling the void left from your drug-related activities. It’s also a great way to keep your mind and body occupied, thereby helping you avoid relapse triggers.
Re-engineering your social life will help you realize that you can still enjoy life without resorting to drugs.
6. Family Therapy
Drug addiction doesn’t just affect the user. It also affects their family and friends. That’s because one of the effects of addiction is that it causes behavior that negatively impacts relationships. Unfortunately, graduating from inpatient rehab doesn’t magically fix those relationships. You must get family therapy for that.
Yes, it is essential to work on those relationships, as they are a critical ingredient to your successfully navigating life after rehab. Rebuilding relationships with family and friends takes a lot of work and may require professional counseling. Family therapy will help you mend broken bridges and find better ways of communication that foster healthier relationships.
Recovery After Rehab Is a Lifelong Commitment

Graduating from inpatient rehab isn’t the end of the journey to addiction recovery. The journey to recovery is a lifelong commitment. That’s why you must commit to enrolling in programs that will help you navigate life after rehab. Sure, this may require an investment of time and money, but the sacrifice is well worth it.
The dangers of relapse are real. That’s the main reason you must enroll in a program after rehab. You must be proactive in ensuring that you don’t fall back to using drugs again. That’s what most programs will help you do—walk tall and strong after graduating from rehab.
If you want to be one of the success stories that will inspire others to beat addiction, then empower yourself for success by enrolling in a program that will help you continue on the path to recovery.
If you need help overcoming an addiction, reach out to us here at Yellowstone Recovery. Check out the addictions we help our patients overcome. Alternatively, give us a call at (888) 418-4188. We’ll help you get started on your journey to addiction recovery. We can also help you make a plan for recovery after rehab.