Support group meeting for people struggling with addiction

Never Been to a Recovery Treatment Center? Here’s What You Can Expect

Deciding to enter recovery for the first time can certainly feel overwhelming, and not knowing what to expect can add to that feeling. Here we give you a look at a typical day at our inpatient drug treatment center and share information about other aspects of our programs.

The First Steps

Everyone who enters rehab will undergo a complete assessment. This assessment and the detoxification process are both completed before entering the residential facility. For the first 30 days of treatment, clients only have contact with those inside the program. This ensures a complete focus on recovery.

However, family members can call the facility to get updates on how their loved one is doing in the residential setting.

What a Day in Treatment Looks Like

A typical weekday in residential treatment begins at 7 a.m. and ends at 11:30 p.m. Supervision occurs around the clock for clients who are undergoing inpatient drug and alcohol treatment. Those in sober living are overseen by a manager.

After morning meditation and chores, the day program begins. Although individual treatment plans will vary, typical aspects of day programs include step work, individual counseling, meetings with sponsors, and other activities designed to reinforce core recovery values and support personal growth.

After the end of the day program at 3:30 p.m., clients can participate in an activity of their choice until 5 p.m. when everyone sits down together for dinner. At 7 p.m., clients then attend a 12-step meeting outside of the residential facility.

Weekends consist of book studies, discussion groups, outside 12-step meetings, family visits, and various sports outings.


Every inpatient drug treatment center will offer its own selection of programs. At Yellowstone, we offer 15. They include early recovery skills and anger management courses, evaluation and discussion groups, relapse prevention, and opportunities to explore individual spiritual growth.


Electronics are not permitted for the first 30 days in rehab. Money is stored in a safe, but nothing more than $20 is permitted. Clients who vape or smoke are permitted to do so in designated areas. A strict code of conduct is enforced, which includes treating both staff and peers respectfully. Program dismissal can occur as the result of any threats, fraternization, or violence on the part of a client.

Medications and Sickness

Happy woman standing with her back on sunset in nature

Any prescriptions a client is taking before entering inpatient drug treatment facilities can be continued. However, no benzodiazepine drugs are permitted unless prescribed for detox purposes by our doctor. Missing group therapy is permitted if a client becomes ill, and continued illness will always result in a thorough examination by a physician.

Affordable, Effective and Compassionate Care

At Yellowstone Recovery, our philosophy is that health and sobriety should be an option for all. Our non-profit organization puts client needs first with complete care, but not at costs that put that care out of reach.

We use our 20 years of experience to give clients tools for lifelong sobriety and renew their hope for a brighter future. Contact us today for more information.

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    • Treatment Options
    • Program Curriculum
    • Program Services
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    Weekday Schedule

    Detox and Residential Treatment

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    Contact Yellowstone Recovery


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