Football Player Holding Football In Field

The NFL Drug Trend: Stress, Pressure, and Pain

The issue of drug addiction is not one which is restricted to a specific category of the population. This is a problem that can impact those from all walks of life—even impacting individuals who have made it to the top of their field. For instance, drug addiction is an issue which has shown up in the National Football League from time to time, causing players to face suspensions and other consequences. One of the reasons prescription drug addiction rehab is so important is the simple fact that this problem affects so many people across the country from all walks of life.

A Variety of Motivations

To reach the level of playing in the NFL, a player must be hard-working, disciplined, and talented. So, why would someone who has made it all the way to the top of the sport risk an NFL suspension while abusing a prescription drug? As is always the case with drug use, there are a variety of motivations that can be at play. Often, however, it comes down to the player wanting to perform at a higher level and maintain a place in the league.

It’s a Tough Game

You don’t need to be a football fan to know that the game is one of the most physically demanding sports in the world. Despite the fact that the players are extremely fit and strong, they still take a beating week after week as they slam into one another on the field. Inevitably, there are injuries that pile up along the way, making the use of painkillers an attractive option to stay in the game.

As is the case for non-professional athletes, the use of painkillers often starts with a legitimate prescription during the recovery process. However, if the individual becomes addicted and continues to use the painkillers after the prescription has run out, a long-term pattern of abuse can begin.

The Adderall Issue

Football Player With Black Helmet Sitting On Dark

You may be aware that Adderall has become a popular option for students in college (and even high school) who are trying to improve their study abilities. While it is typically prescribed for ADHD, some without that disorder have been using it with an eye toward improved performance. That pattern has worked on up into pro sports, and seeing a player miss time for an NFL Adderall suspension is not uncommon. Not only may players be motivated to abuse Adderall for the purpose of improved alertness and focus, but it has also been used to cover up for the use of other drugs.

Finding a Solution

Those who are struggling with drug addiction in one form or another may wish to contact Yellowstone Recovery for more information about treatment options. We are committed to helping addicted individuals move past their drug problems and find a way toward a brighter future. We hope to work with you or a loved one in the near future.

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