Tips on Preventing and Treating Prescription Abuse
More than six million people in American households abuse prescription drugs.1 Most of those drugs are acquired through friends, family members, or even fraudulent prescriptions. Prescription drug abuse is a serious epidemic that can lead to dangerous health problems. In many cases, a prescription drug detox is the best treatment option.
The most abused prescription drugs are opioids. Unfortunately, these drugs are often combined with whatever the abuser can find in the medicine cabinet. Anything from painkillers to muscle relaxers can create a dangerous concoction.
Many times, the misuse of prescription drugs can lead to things like an accidental overdose. Needless to say, it’s important to seek help right away if you or someone you know has a pill addiction.
How to Identify Prescription Drug Misuse
Simply put, pill abuse is the action of taking prescription medications that either don’t belong to you or taking them in a manner that wasn’t prescribed. Many people abuse prescription drugs by mixing them with other pills or by taking higher doses than what is prescribed by a doctor.
This type of abuse not only affects the addicted individual but can have a negative impact on family, friends, and loved ones. Thankfully, putting a stop to the abuse isn’t impossible. Use these helpful tips to start getting away from the misuse of prescriptions.
Store Prescriptions Properly
One of the best ways to prevent prescription drug abuse is to make it difficult for people to access them. If you’re worried about someone in your household using your prescriptions, don’t keep them in your medicine cabinet.
Instead, store them somewhere securely. Only you should know where they are—no one else! Even if someone else is aware of where the pills might be, they shouldn’t have easy access to them at any time.
Find Someone to Keep You Accountable
If you’re the one struggling with prescription abuse, find someone to hold you accountable. Ideally, this person will be someone already in your home. They can make sure your access to certain medications is limited by holding onto them for you.
You can also turn to them when you feel the need to use the drugs. This person doesn’t just need to be someone who says “no” to giving you the pills you’re looking for. They can also be a shoulder to lean on and someone to talk to.
Dispose of Prescriptions Properly
Never keep extra medication or store it for future use. Once a prescription is done, it’s done. Most prescription bottles have disposal instructions, and it’s important to follow those carefully.
If you get in the habit of “saving” prescriptions, they can start to add up quickly. If you or someone you know begins to struggle with addiction, it becomes far too easy to have access to different kinds of pills if you’ve kept them lying around after a prescription regimen is finished.
Never Share Medication
Never share your prescriptions with others, even if they suggest they have similar symptoms. Prescription meds should only be taken by the person they were prescribed to, and no one else.
Sharing medications can lead to health complications and can fuel or trigger drug abuse.

Is Prescription Drug Abuse Treatable?
By using some of the tips and suggestions listed here, you can lower the chances of pill abuse in your own life or for someone living with you.
However, if you’re already struggling or know someone who is, getting the right kind of treatment as soon as possible is key. As stated above, abusing these medications can have dire consequences. Thankfully, there’s always hope.
At Yellowstone Recovery, you don’t have to go through prescription drug addiction treatment alone. We’ll walk with you through your detox journey in a safe, professional environment, under the supervision of medical professionals. Contact us today to take the first step toward freedom from prescription pills.