Navigate Holidays Sober Featured Image

How to Navigate the Holiday Season Sober

Holidays are always stressful because you may be celebrating with family members and friends with whom you don’t have regular contact throughout the year. Old tensions may erupt despite the festivities, leaving you vulnerable.

Yet it needn’t be an overly stressful time, as long as you prepare yourself ahead of time for the challenges that you may encounter. Planning gives you the necessary edge to navigate the sometimes turbulent waters of family get-togethers.

Think of it this way. Planning for possible triggers and putting yourself in the best possible mental and physical states gives you a strong defense. This infographic from Yellowstone Recovery gives you the game plan you’ll need to get through the holiday season without a misstep.

Yellowstone Recovery understands the burden you carry during these difficult times, but, remember, all the work you’ve done up to now has given you the tools you need to stay sober. With a good plan, you’ll know what you can do to avoid temptation and provide the support you need to stay the course.

If you need a hand, we’re here to help. Check out your plan for success below. The additional support you want is only a phone call away. Contact us today at (888) 418-4188.

Infographic Navigating Holidays Sober Yellowstone


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    Intensive Outpatient (IOP)

    Intensive OutPatient treatment (IOP) helps people establish the foundations for lifelong sobriety…

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    Our California alcohol and drug addiction treatment program is predicated on restoring you to your ideal health. Detox is a crucial part…

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    Primary Care – Residential Treatment

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    Residential Treatment – Extended Care

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    Outpatient Treatment

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    Sober Living

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    Weekday Schedule

    Detox and Residential Treatment

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    Experiential Therapy

    Experiential Therapy is therapy of the mind rather than the body. It is a tool to help…

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