Yellowstone Recovery

Substance Abuse Treatment, What is it?

County Map Of California2

Substance abuse treatment is arranged through providers in almost every state in the U.S. These providers will offer services in either an outpatient or inpatient setting. Centers that provide treatment for substance abuse in California are required to be licensed or certified through the California Department of Health Care services. The full requirements for what a program must provide and a list of currently approved facilities can be found on their website. Each provider will employ a diverse team of certified professionals to facilitate the treatment of substance abuse. In California there are only 3 certifying agencies that the state recognizes to provide competent and suitable training for professionals who work in recovery. The primary focus of providers offering this type of service is substance abuse even though they will regularly encounter issues with mental health.

What services should I look for in a substance abuse treatment program?

Basic services provided in treatment are an assessment for substance abuse or dependency, development of an individualized treatment plan, individual counseling and group counseling. Good providers will also perform random and regular drug tests and facilitate family groups to help teach the family how to adapt to being around a newly sober person without enabling them.

Residential substance abuse treatment programs provide 24 hour monitoring for both detoxification from substances and in house treatment. Clients will be provided all the necessities so that they can focus on getting the most out of the treatment they are participating in. Good providers will not have hidden costs associated with entering their program and will have a flat rate for the length of program the client signs up for. Be wary of programs that offer treatment in a residential setting but have additional costs for transportation, additional counseling, doctor visits and medications.

Outpatient treatment centers provide counseling services that work around the schedule of the client so that they can continue to work or go to school while having the support of a treatment team behind them. Clients in this modality of care will be expected to attend all scheduled meetings and be on time. The clients will have to be more self supporting due to not having full time staff supervision.

Where should I look to enter a program?

If you are looking for a treatment program for a loved one then Orange County in Southern California would be the ideal location. Orange County is home to more licensed substance abuse treatment centers in California (333) than any other county except for Los Angeles (446). Orange County also has the lowest population to program ratio of all the counties in southern California (9445:1). These numbers may seem extreme at first glance but when 10 percent of the population could use help for substance abuse and only 10 percent of those men and women actually seek out help then each facility only needs to provide services to about 95 clients annually. There are other counties in California where each program needs to serve as many as 1,545 clients each year.

Is Yellowstone Recovery the right program for me?

Yellowstone Recovery

Yellowstone Recovery has over 15 years of experience in treating substance abuse in Orange County. Yellowstone provides services for all levels of care and aftercare. Yellowstone is fully licensed and certified for both inpatient and outpatient treatment. Even our sober living homes are certified by our local sober living certifying agency, The Sober Living Network.

Yellowstone will never bill clients or families with hidden charges and our friendly intake staff is up front about all the services we provide and expectations we have of clients during treatment with us. Our flat rates will cover the costs of all medical visits, transportation and medications for substance abuse withdrawal and stabilization. Yellowstone randomly tests all our clients at least once a week and each sunday provides a special introduction to Al-Anon group for families of our clients to participate in.

Substance abuse treatment at Yellowstone Recovery will provide you with the foundation you need for long term sobriety at the most affordable rates in Orange County. Call today for more information about our program and how we can help you start your journey on the road to recovery.

(888) 897-1455

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    • Treatment Options
    • Program Curriculum
    • Program Services
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    Residential Treatment – Extended Care

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    Outpatient Treatment

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    Weekday Schedule

    Detox and Residential Treatment

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