Start Rebuilding Your Self-Esteem Now
One of the most basic psychological theories is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Once you understand this theory, you start to see how and why traumatic events in your lifetime can lead to a low self-esteem and the addiction that you use to cope with it.
Maslow indicates that some basic needs need to be met before you can reach higher levels of understanding. For example, you need to know that you are safe and have basic supplies available, like food and water. The very lack of these things can leave you to question your own worth, as in, “Am I so worthless that I don’t even deserve a piece of bread?” Childhood trauma like starvation and abuse can be particularly detrimental to your well-being, because you base your perception of the world (including your perception of self) on your past experiences.
Enter a Rehab Facility
Affordable drug rehab centers allow you to get back to the basics, changing your perception of the world through new experiences and education. Using affordable drug rehab centers instead of expensive ones helps reduce your stress when it comes to finances, because you can afford the treatment, and you may not suffer consequences for taking a leave of absence from work since you are in a medical facility.
The rehab facility will first address physical issues through detox and an evaluation to assess your physical needs. You’ll be in a safe place where no one can hurt you, so all of your basic needs will be met. Hence, you will have met the first level of the way to self-actualization.
Create New Experiences
The next levels in the hierarchy involve seeing your value in some sort of role in life. While you were actively using, you couldn’t see your value, but the people around you could. As you learn about the details of addiction, you can start to see the roles you have and the importance of them. Before this, the chemical you were addicted to took first place in your efforts. Now, with the chemical out of the way, you can begin to see that it wasn’t the chemical that had value, but yourself, and things you were responsible for that should be valued.
Through education and therapy, you’re starting to create new experiences that can change your perception of the world and yourself. The more experiences you have, the more your perception changes. Since part of the initial program involves avoiding outside contact, you start to look at yourself more, and, hopefully, to use your new experiences to understand your value as a person.
As you work your way through the program, the goal is to eventually arrive at the highest level of the hierarchy, which is self-actualization. This is the point at which you give yourself permission to start looking at what you want out of life and who you really want to be. You couldn’t do that before, because your mind and spirit were occupied with meeting other needs. When those needs weren’t met, you turned to chemicals to fill the void.
To build your self-esteem, you have to be able to see who you really are. You aren’t the warped version you have created in your own mind, unworthy of happiness or forgiveness. It’s time to start giving yourself permission to realize that and start to create a new life.