Huntington Beach Rehab and Substance Abuse Treatment

A Group Of Teenagers Who Were Former Rehab Patients Side Hugging One Another

Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Detox and Treatment Serving Huntington Beach, California

Huntington Beach is a vibrant city in Southern California, known for its nine-and-a-half-mile-long beach and some of the best surfing opportunities in the country. Unfortunately, the coastal city has been experiencing a drug epidemic, leaving many individuals and families trying to find addiction treatment.

Finding Drug or Alcohol Rehab Centers in Huntington Beach

If you or a loved one needs alcohol or drug addiction treatment, Yellowstone Recovery offers a range of programs that cater to your individual needs, the duration, and the type of substance you are struggling with.

Whether you choose to entirely remove yourself from your usual environment or stay with family or friends, there is a recovery program suitable for you.

Huntington Beach, CA Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers

If you’re searching for a Huntington Beach rehab program, you should consider the various options available to you or your loved one. Each treatment plan caters to different personalities and forms of substance abuse.

Women embracing in rehab group at therapy sessionDetox Centers

Detox treatment centers are often an individual’s first stop after realizing they need help. Detox programs can either follow one of three routes:

  • Cold turkey: During which all use or contact with the substance is withheld, while very little assistance is provided to ease withdrawal symptoms and cravings.
  • Tapering: Involving weaning the individual off of drugs or alcohol by gradually reducing their doses over time.
  • Rapid detox: This involves the individual being sedated or medicated to accelerate withdrawal and the body’s complete detoxification.

Cold turkey and tapering methods can be assisted through the administration of medicine to ease withdrawal symptoms.

Medical detox will likely be recommended should you or your loved one suffer from addiction to drugs with severe withdrawal symptoms like opioids, especially fentanyl and heroin. These drugs pose a significant overdose risk, and people should not be left to detox alone.

Before entering a detox program, individuals will likely undergo a physical and psychological examination to identify any co-occurring disorders that may impact their recovery.

Residential Treatment Programs

Residential Inpatient Treatment

The residential inpatient Huntington Beach rehab program typically serves as the first phase of long-term recovery. For this treatment plan, you live on-site and undergo intensive therapy that may include medical detox, therapy sessions, and twelve-step meetings according to each participant’s needs.

Residential inpatient treatment is one of the most intensive rehabilitation plans and will benefit individuals who need detox and should be in a calm, controlled environment to encourage sobriety.

As a full-time commitment, the program requires a 30-day period where no contact is made with anyone outside of the program and attend treatment sessions and group counseling daily.

Extended Care Inpatient Treatment

The Extended Care program shifts your focus from overcoming the addiction to building the life skills necessary to stay sober.

The program lasts around 90 days, giving participants the chance to relearn routine and exercise control over their thoughts and actions.

Participants in the Extended Care program will likely have been matched with a sponsor, put together a relapse prevention plan, and attend regular group meetings.

Whether you want to see more of your family or start looking for a job with the center’s support, this program provides all the effectiveness of an intensive residential inpatient program while encouraging independence and finding your place in society.

Outpatient Treatment Programs

An outpatient program differs from residential and partial hospitalization programs as it is more cost-effective, flexible, and customizable according to your needs.

The treatment plan offers help to those struggling with addiction while allowing them to live off-site and attend a flexible therapy schedule.

Outpatient treatment typically also serves as an aftercare service for people who participated in a residential program already. The program relies heavily on twelve-step support networks and provides patients with the skills they need to adjust to sober living outside of the rehab’s premises.

Intensive Outpatient Program

An intensive outpatient program (IOP) is similar to regular outpatient treatment except for the fact that it is suitable for people who have experienced relapse or have not undergone residential treatment or detox as long as this has not been deemed necessary upon their initial evaluation.

An IOP starts from scratch and takes each participant through addiction education, counseling, and therapy for several hours on selected days.

IOP and outpatient programs can significantly benefit individuals who rely on a solid family or friend network to maintain stability in their lives while providing them with group counseling and family therapy as is necessary.

Sober Living Homes

Sober living facilities are reserved for individuals who have completed a treatment program successfully and are looking for a safe, supportive environment to live in while reintroducing themselves to society.

Residents of sober living homes are responsible for cooking, cleaning, and managing the household just as they would in their own homes, except that the environment is entirely alcohol- and drug-free.

The benefits of living with other sober individuals who are focused on their recovery are endless.

Specialized Programs

Although residential and outpatient programs differ in their intensity, many share the same therapies and schedules. These standardized treatments are effective in their own right but can often benefit from additional assistance in the form of:

  • Experiential therapy: Which provides experiences that make it easier to discuss complex topics while focusing on personal development and stimulating your mind. These may involve animal-assisted, music, nature, or art therapy sessions.
  • Family support: This is essential for any participant who identifies their family members or loved ones as a significant positive or negative factor in their recovery.
  • Young adult programs: This program specializes in providing young people with the relatable approach they often require to understand and identify their triggers and develop strategies to maintain recovery.
  • Substance-focused programs: Involving treatment sessions focusing on specific drugs like opiates, stimulants, other recreational substances, or alcohol to provide a specialized approach to each person’s needs.

To get the help you need, call our Orange County rehab serving Huntington Beach residents today at (888) 418-4188.

  • Treatment Options
  • Program Curriculum
  • Program Services
young man talking to his therapist

Intensive Outpatient (IOP)

Intensive OutPatient treatment (IOP) helps people establish the foundations for lifelong sobriety…

patio with tables covered by umbrellas


Our California alcohol and drug addiction treatment program is predicated on restoring you to your ideal health. Detox is a crucial part…

gate for one of the rehab facility homes

Primary Care – Residential Treatment

The first phase of our program is primary care. During this phase clients will be in a 30-day “blackout” period…

three straw men standing in front of two trees

Residential Treatment – Extended Care

Residential treatment extended care starts on day 31 and goes through day 90. This period is very important for a client in early recovery…

small outdoor pond

Outpatient Treatment

Outpatient treatment serves as aftercare for clients who have completed extended care (90 days of residential treatment)…

gate for one of the rehab facility homes

Sober Living

Sober living at Yellowstone begins after the initial residential treatment portion of the program is successfully completed…

emotional support group with five men and women

Weekday Schedule

Detox and Residential Treatment

Depressed woman looking away

Experiential Therapy

Experiential Therapy is therapy of the mind rather than the body. It is a tool to help…

typewriter writing the words

Contact Yellowstone Recovery